I'm not much of a resolutions person because of the inevitable failure rate, but this year I have decided to make some new years goals. 2017 is going to be a year of firsts and lasts for the Chaney family! We will have Andrew's last day of dental school, our last day in this apartment (hopefully last apartment ever), last dental licensing exam, and Andrew's first day as a dentist! In this new exciting year (which I am committed to making this our best year yet), I have made some goals for myself to truly make this our best year!
Goal #1: Never walk away from an argument until it is resolved
My instinct is to walk away and distance myself when I am upset, but this year I am committed to staying in the conversation and resolving the issue right then and there. This will truly be very difficult for me, but I believe this will help our marriage immensely.
Goal #2: Go on weekly date nights
We used to do this back when we were in undergrad and I believe this is so very important in a marriage. I know that this will become way more difficult when we start having children, so I want to make this a priority now. If you all have ideas on date nights, please let us know! We want to try out a bunch of different things to make them more fun!
Goal #3: Get healthy
I have starting my year on the right foot already by going to doctors appointments. I have not been to a doctor while we have been in San Antonio (4 years!), and after a couple of doctors appointments this year, I have found out that I have hypertension! Sad day! Now that my husband and I both have hypertension, we will start getting a handle on it and become healthier together! Becoming healthier means that we will be exercising more and eating a little bit healthier. I don't want to put goals on this that I know I won't keep, but I know that we will get healthier!
Linking up with Shay and Erika for Workin' It Wednesday. Go to their blogs to read about their goals for the new year!
Here's to a great year! 2017 is going to be the best year! I can't wait to bring y'all along through our journey of our last semester of Dental school! We are so close and we are committed to making this a great year!