Monday, April 28, 2014

#100HappyDays Week 4

Day 22: Happy Easter! Death Where is your sting? Grave where is your victory? HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE! Jesus conquered death so that we could have life in Him and that is the best news ever! 
Day 23: Got off of work early. Good workout. Hanging out outside with my husband.  Only 4 more days of work! 
Day 24: Andrew brought me home a new toothbrush (don't worry…we only have about 8 toothbrushes currently!)! Spent quality time with the girls in my small group! Last Tuesday of work and only 3 more days of work! 
Day 25: Mr. Kitty loves to play in the bathtub. Watching the Spurs game.  Jimmy Johns date with my hubby.  Good workout.  Only 2 days left of work! And an early night! 
Day 26: Playing with the new "kiosk" at Chili's. Margaritas after a pretty bad day.  And Mr. Kitty "played with" a moth that we let in.  
Day 27: Cleaned the house.  Played games and hung out with friends tonight! Good day! 
Day 28: Went to Sea World with our friends for Kelly's birthday! Fed and touched a dolphin. Fed sea lions.  Watched shows.  Rode roller coasters. And ate turkey legs! Happy Birthday Kelly! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

#100HappyDays Week 3

Day 15: Wonderful church service with Willie Robertson at Jeff and Alex's church. Driving one hour back to San Antonio with my mom before my parents split to go to Austin.  And seeing these two when I got home. 
Day 16: Happy that my husband ACED his test today! He is the most incredible and smartest man I know!
Day 17: Feeling very blessed by my family, friends, and coworkers.  Got beautiful flowers and cake from my husband, an awesome card from Rachel and the clinic was decorated for my birthday! Andrew gave me my birthday present earlier-he ran the warrior dash with me! 
Day 18: Happy to be going to sleep early.  Got a good workout in.  Only 7 more days of work. And Andrew got his loupes in! Dr. Andrew Chaney, D.D.S! 
Day 19: Watching Frozen while Andrew studies.  Eating wings.  Mr. Kitty playing in the Wing Stop bag. And 6 more days of work!
Day 20: Playing games and having cookies with Kelly and Travis.  Only 5 days left of work.  And a good workout
Day 21: Things just got real.  Got a rewards card from Babies R Us so that we can spoil our new niece! Hurry up sweet girl! 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

#100HappyDays Week 2

Day 8: Happy to have spent the weekend with my parents and Andrew! Got a Costco membership today and got some school supplies there! School supplies are one of my favorite things! Sad that my parents are gone so soon!
Day 9: Happy that I get to go to bed at 7:30. Taking every chance I can before school starts! Also happy that it was just Rachel and me in the clinic today! 
Day 10: Happy that this little lady slept with me all day.  Sick days are the worst, but when you have a cute kitten and an incredible husband…being sick isn't as bad! 
Day 11: I'm gonna have a niece! Bethany and Thane are having a baby girl! 
Day 12: one of my coworkers brought all of us coffee this morning. I put in my two weeks notice because school starts so soon! Date night! And it's almost Friday! 
Day 13: Happy that I made it to Houston to hang out with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law this weekend! Happy that it's Friday! 
Day 14: Happy that I got to spend the day with these crazy people.  We went to a brewery and hung out in the glorious sun! Great day so far, and the day is not even over yet!

I just spent an incredible weekend with my parents, Jeff and Alex so that I could get away from and not bother Andrew while he studied for his test that he has tomorrow.  Although I was still under the weather, we had a great time! We went to a brewery, ate at some pretty cool places (Jus Mac, Hobbit Cafe, and Tiffs Treats), and heard Willie Robertson speak this morning at Jeff and Alex's church! Great weekend to say the least! Thanks Jeff and Alex for having me and for letting me crash the party! 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

#100HappyDays Week 1

I decided to participate in a challenge called: 100 Happy Days.  This challenge is found here.

What it is: 

"We live in times when super-busy schedules have become something to boast about. While the speed of life increases, there is less and less time to enjoy the moment that you are in. The ability to appreciate the moment, the environment and yourself in it, is the base for the bridge towards long term happiness of any human being.

71% of people tried to complete this challenge, but failed quoting lack of time as the main reason.These people simply did not have time to be happy."


Every day submit a picture of what made you happy.

Why would I do this?:

People successfully completing the challenge claimed to:
 - Start noticing what makes them happy every day;
 - Be in a better mood every day;
 - Start receiving more compliments from other people;
 - Realize how lucky they are to have the life they have;
 - Become more optimistic.

I have personally found this challenge to allow me to stop and see all the things in my day that make me happy.  Even on the worst days, I have been able to find something that has made me happy.  I feel that all too often I look at everything bad that happened during my day and this challenge has already made me see the good in the day.  Even though I am only a week in, I feel just a little bit happier about my life.  I will try and post weekly about all that has made me happy that week. All of these pictures are from Instagram because that is where I chose to share my 100 Happy Days.  Please jump in and try this with me! It has already been a blast! 

Day 1: Lazy weekends sitting outside with my kitten while my husband studies for his test.  
Day 2: Being able to crawl into bed with this guy when I got home from work because he pulled an all nigher last night and he is pooped!
Day 3: Registered for classes today! It's getting real! Almost one month until school starts! 
Day 4: Happy that I get to work with these people! They keep me sane and make work fun! Love these people! Gonna miss them when I'm gone!  
Day 5: Happy I get to sit outside for lunch to get away from the stress of work!
Day 6: Happy that I got to have a great dinner with my wonderful husband.  And after dinner, my parents came into town for the weekend! 
Day 7: Happy that my parents are here and we got to spend the day together! Got a dress for Alex and Laura's wedding! Watching the game! And had an early birthday dinner at P.F. Changs with my parents and Andrew!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New Update on Life in San Antonio

Things have been crazy here in San Antonio recently.  I want to blame that craziness for not keeping up with this blog, however, I know that is probably not the only reason.  A lot has happened since my last post and I wanted to update y'all on our new adventures.  

In the middle of February, Andrew and I moved into a new apartment.  I know, I know…we just moved here and we already changed apartments! However this new apartment is saving us $250 per month.  We have moved from a two bedroom/two bathroom apartment to a one bedroom/one bathroom apartment.  It is just the right size for the three of us and it is a much better price.  We didn't have very many visitors, so we decided that it wasn't worth having two bedrooms just for one bedroom to stay empty 11.5 months per year. Even though we went to only one bedroom, there is still plenty of room for you to come visit us! We have already had our friend Stephen come stay with us and my parents are coming this weekend to celebrate my birthday with me!

This is the day we moved into our apartment!

Another reason we decided to move was because I will be quitting my job on May 2, 2014 to embark on the next adventure of my life… Nursing School! We were worried that our financial aid would not be able to pay for the bigger apartment, so we decided to save some money where we could.  I'll be starting Nursing School on May 8, 2014 and I am so excited about it.  I remember writing my post about switching career paths in August and I thought when I was writing it that May seemed so far away, but…its practically HERE! I just registered for classes yesterday and it is really seeming real now.  Please pray for me that I would find joy in my classes and that I would be able to focus this summer while Andrew is on summer break!  

These are the classes I will be taking my first semester!

And these are the coworkers that I will be leaving behind! I'm so sad about that!

Andrew is doing great in Dental School! He comes home and practices many of the things he is learning on me…many more times than I would prefer.  I am beyond proud of him and almost every day I think to myself, "man, I can't believe he is going to be a dentist!" What a smart and hard-working man! I also would like to tell myself that I am being a good wife and letting him study all the time, however, I know that is far from the truth.  I like spending time with the guy and it is hard to allow him to study when I never have anything to do after work! Please pray for him because from here on out he has an average of 3 tests a week for the next month and some weeks he will even have more than that! 

This is what he does a lot recently…Study, Study, Study!

Some other things we have been up to the past couple of months: 

We celebrated one year of marriage at P.F. Changs

We got a kitten.  Her name is Lily (or Mr. Kitty to Andrew and me). She loves to go "fishing" on the iPad.

I ran my first 5K

We ran our first Warrior Dash (3.7 mile run with obstacles) 

Got season passes to Sea World

Went to the Baylor vs. Nebraska game at the AT&T center

Hopefully now I won't wait another five months to post again, but thanks for keeping up with our lives here in San Antonio! We hope to see y'all soon!